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1 Re: Straight Lines in Nature by on December 09, 2006, 06:54:19 PM

Many plants grow straight towards the sun.
2 Re: Straight Lines in Nature by submerged on December 15, 2006, 02:44:22 AM
I cannot seem to post a comment past a certain length.  Here it goes, in parts.
The thing that is really hard to "get" is what manmade objects will look like after sand has buried them, corrosion has changed their surfaces,
and the remainder has been half-concealed by corals.  I have seen a series of photos taken by an experienced master of underwater ship
recovery  projects, and even when you know what's coming the landlubber's eye can't find what will appear by the last photo.
3 Re: Straight Lines in Nature by submerged on December 15, 2006, 02:44:44 AM
It's not so much straight lines, as just seeing what doesn't belong, that is the key.  And that's neither something you can learn from a book nor
obtain at a university.  That is something that requires long experience working in the underwater environment to develop.
4 Re: Straight Lines in Nature by submerged on December 15, 2006, 02:44:56 AM
Your post is a good warning that important things aren't obvious, and one can be easily mislead.  As Tolkien said, "All that is gold does not
glitter" -- the important things are hard to spot.  And the attention-grabbing features are often visually striking but not of any serious import
(except to a photographer, of course).
5 Re: Straight Lines in Nature by on December 20, 2006, 12:34:10 AM
Cogent and important points there, by member submerged - the important things are hard to spot. An educated eye does help make the distinction and that education can come from study, training and experience.
6 Re: Straight Lines in Nature by on March 12, 2007, 12:24:42 AM

Iapetus, a moon of Jupiter.
Notice the belt around the equator?
It is a straight line.
7 Re: Straight Lines in Nature by on March 12, 2007, 12:31:37 AM

The surface of Saturn.

The rings of Saturn when viewed edge-on appear in a straight line. A number of celestial bodies have such rings about them.
8 Re: Straight Lines in Nature by scribe on December 11, 2007, 09:29:57 PM

Types of ice crystals which cause many halo effects

Ice cream Smiley
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Straight Lines in Nature

It is a myth that there are no straight lines in nature. This is disproved easily: look at a sunbeam or ray of light. However, the myth persists and in archaeology, belief in this myth can produce some spectacularly-wrong conclusions.

Nature is best expressed in mathematics, which is full of geometry and straight lines. This was observed long ago, by Pythagoras. One of my favourite concepts is 'The Music of the Spheres'.

Anyone familiar with gemstones is also familiar with nature's straight lines. Here are some rough diamonds:

The shapes are determined by their crystalline structure:

Here is an example of Zoisite:

Such crystals are made of straight lines, which are also in rock formations:

The above shows the planar nature of garnet.

Would-be archaeologists can get confused easily by natural straight lines and there are a number of infamous claims for maritime archaeology based on this confusion.

Yonaguni, off Japan, is one. Another if off Bermuda and has been called Atlantis:

In archaeology, one must be aware of the difference between geofact and artefact.

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