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Author Topic: The Harrogate Hoard, Britains Most Important Treasure Find In 150 Years  (Read 56 times)
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« on: October 25, 2007, 06:07:18 AM »


   The Harrogate hoard is an undisturbed tenth-century Viking hoard of over 617 silver coins and other items. The hoard was discovered in 2007 near the town of Harrogate in North Yorkshire, England. The hoard is the largest discovered in western Europe since 1840, when the Cuerdale hoard was found in Lancashire.

   On 6 January 2007, David Whelan, a semi-retired businessman from Leeds, and his son Andrew, a surveyor, discovered the Harrogate hoard using metal detectors. The Whelans told BBC News they have been metal detecting as a hobby for about five years.

   They found the hoard in an empty field that had not yet been ploughed for spring sowing. Later the empty field was searched but no evidence of a settlement or structure was found. About 30 cm underneath the soil the Whelans found a silver bowl (see pic below)and could see coins and scraps of silver. The Whelans reported the find to Amy Cooper, Finds Liaison Officer of the Portable Antiquities Scheme (this was one of the first finds reported to Cooper).[5] The pair was commended for displaying "exemplary behaviour in not unpacking all the objects from the bowl, but keeping the find intact." The hoard was transferred to the British Museum, where conservators excavated each find to preserve the objects and "contextual information."[6] The discovery was announced on 19 July 2007. The British Museum press release stated, "The size and quality of the hoard is remarkable, making it the most important find of its type in Britain for over 150 years," and also said, "The find is of global importance, as well as having huge significance for the history of North Yorkshire".

   At a court hearing in Harrogate on 19 July, the hoard was classified as a Treasure by North Yorkshire coroner Geoff Fell under the Treasure Act 1996 (which requires the find to be offered for sale to museums, with the proceeds divided by agreement between the discoverers and the landowner). The find will be valued by the Independent Treasure Valuation Committee for the Department for Culture, Media and Sport. The Whelans were quoted as saying that a conservative estimate for the value of the hoard was about �750,000.

   The hoard includes over 617 silver coins and 65 other items, including ornaments, ingots and precious metal, which were hidden in a gilt silver vessel lined with gold (variously identified as a cup, bowl, or pot) made in France or Germany around 900 and decorated with "vines, leaves and six hunting scenes showing lions, stags, and a horse". The vessel is thought to have been used to hold communion bread for a wealthy church or monastery in northern France, and acquired either in a Viking raid or as tribute. The vessel was buried in a lead chest. [4][5]

   A rare gold arm ring (possibly from Ireland), and hacksilver (fragments of cut metal sometimes used as currency) were also found. Reports indicate that the coins bear Islamic, Christian, and pre-Christian Norse pagan symbols: "some of the coins mixed Christian and pagan imagery, shedding light on the beliefs of newly Christianized Vikings."

   The hoard had been protected by lead sheeting of some kind, and the first theory as to the tenth-century occasion for such a careful burying of the hoard was that it had belonged to a wealthy Viking leader during the unrest that followed the conquest of the Viking kingdom of Northumbria in the year 927 by the Anglo-Saxon king of a unified England, Athelstan (924�939). Another brief period of Viking rule in Northumbria followed Athelstan�s death in 939; it lasted until the expulsion and murder of the Viking king of J�rv�k (modern-day York), Eric Bloodaxe, in 954.

   The hoard included objects from many diverse locations, including Samarkand in present-day Uzbekistan, North Africa, Afghanistan, Russia, Ireland, Scandinavia, and continental Europe, "illustrating the breadth of the Vikings' travels and trade connections." Gareth Williams, curator of early medieval coins at the British Museum, examined the artifacts.

Source, Wiki

The pot was delivered to the British Museum with its valuable hoard intact inside � British Museum

   A major Viking hoard, discovered intact within a gilt silver bowl near Harrogate by metal detectorists in January 2007, has been unveiled by the British Museum.
   Experts say the remarkable size and quality of the hoard makes it the most important find of its type in Britain since the Cuerdale Hoard was discovered in Lancashire in 1840.

   The Harrogate Hoard, which was promptly reported by the finders David and Andrew Whelan to their local Finds Liaison Officer (FLO), contains a mixture of different precious metal objects, including coins, complete ornaments, ingots (bars) and chopped-up fragments known as hack-silver.

   It also reveals a remarkable diversity of cultural contacts in the medieval world, with objects coming from as far apart as Afghanistan in the East and Ireland in the West, as well as Russia, Scandinavia and continental Europe.

   "Finds such as this are invaluable in teaching us about our history,� said Margaret Hodge, Culture Minister. �This remarkable discovery highlights the contribution both the Treasure Act and the Portable Antiquities Scheme continue to make towards our knowledge of the past.�

   The finders kept the find intact and promptly reported it to their local FLO. As a possible Treasure find, it was then transferred to the British Museum where conservators have been carefully excavating each individual object to avoid damaging them or losing important contextual information.
    �I commend David and Andrew Whelan for their prompt and responsible reporting of this hugely significant find, which will enrich our understanding of the Vikings," added the Minister.

   The most spectacular single object is the gilt silver vessel, made in what is now France in the first half of the ninth century. It was apparently intended for use in church services, and was probably either looted from a monastery by Vikings, or given to them in tribute.

   Most of the smaller objects, consisting of 617 silver coins and 65 other items, were hidden inside this vessel, which was itself protected by some form of lead container. As a result, the hoard was extremely well-preserved.

   Other star objects include a rare gold arm-ring, whilst many of the coins are new or rare types that will provide valuable new information about the history of England in the early tenth century, as well as Yorkshire�s wider cultural contacts in the period.

   Interestingly, the hoard contains coins relating to Islam and to the pre-Christian religion of the Vikings, as well as to Christianity.

   It is thought that the hoard was probably buried for safety by a wealthy Viking leader during the unrest that followed the conquest of the Viking kingdom of Northumbria in AD 927 by the Anglo-Saxon king Athelstan (924-39).

The pot contained a total of 617 silver coins and 65 other objects. � British Museum

   Vikings had first dominated the area when an army conquered the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Northumbria in AD 869. The area had another brief period of Viking rule following Athelstan�s death in 939, which lasted until the death of the Viking King of Jorvik, Eric Bloodaxe in 954.

   As well as having huge significance for the Viking rich history of North Yorkshire, the Harrogate Hoard is being hailed as a find of global importance.

   York Museum Trust, Harrogate Borough Council's Museums & Arts Service and the British Museum say they are now committed to working together to acquire, interpret and exhibit the hoard, and to making it accessible to the widest possible audience, both in the region and elsewhere.

   �York�s new partnership with the British Museum has focused on sharing collections for display, such as the Warren Cup and Roman collections for the Constantine exhibition at the Yorkshire Museum,� said Mary Kershaw, Director of Collections at York Museums Trust. �It would be wonderful to work together on the joint purchase of such a stunning and important group of material.�

   The next stage of the Treasure process is for the hoard to be valued for the Department of Culture, Media and Sport by the independent Treasure Valuation Committee. In the meantime the museums will continue to develop more detailed plans to raise money for the acquisition, and to exhibit the hoard once it is acquired.

   The Portable Antiquities Scheme has a national network of 36 Finds Liaison Officers who record all archaeological finds made by members of the public and assist with the reporting of potential Treasure finds, as required by the Treasure Act.

   The Scheme is run by the British Museum on behalf of the Museums Libraries and Archives Council. The online database, www.finds.org.uk, contains details of over 175,000 objects reported by members of the public.


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« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2007, 01:13:39 PM »

The Harrowgate Hoard

A reminder of our Viking past was recently discovered lurking beneath a Yorkshire field; what is now being called the �Harrogate Hoard� is an archaeological find of global significance. Said by experts to be the most important Viking find in Britain in 150 years, the finders, metal detectorists David and Andrew Whelan, called the discovery a �thing of dreams�. Portable Antiquities Scheme Finds Liaison Officer Amy Cooper was one of the first on the scene with the Whelans, and here we have her account of one of the most exciting recent discoveries in Britain.

Iprobably have the honour of being the first archaeologist to see the Harrogate Hoard. The finders, David and Andrew Whelan, reported it to me as their local Portable Antiquities Scheme Finds Liaison Officer and explained to me how they had found it.

The Whelans arrived in an unprepossessing field near Harrogate with low expectations. They usually choose not to detect there, because the site normally produces nothing more exciting than Victorian buttons. Furthermore, it was freshly ploughed and deeply furrowed: not ideal conditions for detecting. They had little choice however, because most of the land on which they had permission to search was under crop.

Within less than half an hour of searching, David�s machine produced a fairly average signal, that sounded to be at a reasonable depth. After removing a trowel full of soil, the signal improved. The next couple of scoops produced fragments of lead sheet and then a spherical, mud-covered item appeared in the bottom of the hole.

David�s first reaction was that it was a ball cock from an old lead cistern, but he put his glasses on and immediately saw signs of decoration through the mud, and four coins sitting on top of what is now called �the cup�. Three were too encrusted with mud to be identifiable, but he recognised the fourth as an Anglo-Saxon penny of Edward the Elder (889 � 249AD).

Calling Andrew to join him, he examined the cup again. More jewellery and coins were sticking out. To their great credit, the Whelans did not remove these items, and, realising the archaeological significance of their find, they decided to get specialist advice. Their immediate concern was to get the bowl safely home, but when they looked at the hole again they discovered that in digging it out they had disturbed some silver ingots.

They gathered up the silver, and realising it might be important, diligently collected every scrap of lead. They also had the forethought to record their exact location by taking bearings from features in the landscape before refilling the hole. This proved to be particularly important, because just four days later when I accompanied an archaeologist visiting the site, heavy rain had washed away most evidence of the findspot.

Despite being experienced detectorists, the Whelans had never found Treasure before, let alone any find of this significance. For advice, they first approached a local artefact specialist who referred them to their local Portable Antiquities Scheme officer � me! Part of my job as a Finds Liaison Officer is to help with the legal responsibility to report finds of Treasure. According to the 1996 Treasure Act, there is a legal responsibility to report all finds of Treasure, including objects that are more than 300 years old when found and are more than 10% gold or silver, or any two or more gold or silver coins found together. The Whelans� discovery clearly fell into this definition and they were entirely correct to contact me as Above A British Museum conservator removes further objects from the cup. quickly as possible. Given the range and unique character of the objects, it is certain that it will shed new light about what was going on in early tenth century England.

I first saw the hoard when the Whelans gave it into my care. Everyone was itching to know what was inside the cup, and I was very impressed that the Whelans had not removed even a little soil to reveal the coins that were half exposed. They had also resisted the hugetemptation to clean the cup in order to see the decorations. We could just make out circular panels and decipher a few of the animals within them.

In fact, David and Andrew had acted in an exemplary way. They reported promptly and fully to the landowner and the PAS, they kept the objects in optimum condition and they cooperated fully with everyone who became involved in their discovery. Their only request was that they be allowed to see the emptying of the cup, which was arranged. �As exciting as finding the hoard, was being welcomed to the British Museum to watch the conservator carefully remove the individual items from the cup.� they told me later. �Seeing a gold bracelet gradually appear through layers of coins is something we will never forget.�

Subsequent excavation of a 2m x 2m trench over the findspot revealed a feature, interpreted as a plough furrow, which intersects with David�s hole. This is particularly interesting since it suggests that the original location of the find may lie further west than the area excavated, and that the hoard may have been dragged by the plough. No other features or finds of note were discovered. A geophysical survey has also failed to find any archaeological features in the area, suggesting that the hoard is ,not part of a larger site. Further excavation is planned which may confirm this.

 The size and quality of the Harrogate Hoard is amazing. The rare objects in the collection come from as far away as Afghanistan, Ireland, Russia and Scandinavia. It is the second largest Viking hoard ever found, only smaller than the famous Cuerdale Hoard, which contained over 8,500 objects. The Harrogate silver gilt cup is so rare it is only the second of its kind ever to be found in Britain, and is among only six or seven known in Europe. Additionally, there were 617 coins, 67 pieces of silver including arm-rings and hacksilver, a gold arm-ring and the lead fragments. All but the eleven largest objects were packed inside the cup. Much of the hacksilver is typically Viking and the decayed lead sheet appears to have formed a covering or box. The cup is closely paralleled by the Halton Moor cup, on display in the British Museum. Both are from the same Carolingian workshop and were produced in the mid- 9th century. They may have had lids and been used to hold consecrated bread. �The decoration on the cup is incredible,� remarked David, �with animals such as deer and a horse with panicstricken expressions being chased around thecup by lions.�

 The coins date from the late 9th and early 10th centuries. They include Anglo-Saxon, Anglo-Viking, Carolingian and Islamic types, which is typical of early 10th century Viking hoards. The latest coins are those of the Anglo- Saxon king Aethelstan (c.924-39AD). There are many examples of his fairly rare �church� type, which was probably introduced in c.927 AD. However, there is only one example of the Rex Totius Britanniae type. This is usually very common, suggesting that the hoard was deposited soon after it started to be minted, probably in c.928 AD.

Further analysis should provide new insights  into the Early Medieval period. The coins are particularly interesting because they include several new and rare types. �It is amazing that our hobby has produced something of such significance� said Andrew, �and that it will hopefully further our knowledge of the period and fill in some of the blanks in numismatic, understanding.� Excavating the cup in a laboratory means that we know the order in which the coins were placed in it, which may be vital and would not be possible if the Whelans had not had been so responsible.

 Hoards seem normally to have been buried during times of trouble, both by people trying to keep their possessions safe, and by the people causing the trouble who needed to hide their loot. In the early tenth century, the Anglo- Saxon kingdoms were actively engaged in trying to deal with the political situation caused by the Vikings in the north. This tension may explain the fairly high number of coin hoards that are believed to have been buried at this time. We think that most buried hoards were recovered by their owners. The discovery of an unclaimed hoard suggests that some dire misfortune befell the owner, who was probably a local chieftain.

The coroner has legally declared the Harrogate Hoard as treasure, but it has not yet been valued. It is hoped the hoard will be acquired by Harrogate Museum, York Museums Trust and the British Museum in partnership. They will have to pay the full market value, which will be divided between the finders and the landowner. It is planned to display the Hoard at all three museums and it may also tour the country, allowing it to be seen by as many people as possible. It is the find of a lifetime and certainly a bit more exciting than the Victorian buttons which the Whelans were expecting to find!
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