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The first people migrated to Greenland across the Davis Strait from the American continent more than 4,000 years ago. The first links with E...
Shawnee Nation URB
Shawnee Indians
The Shawnee Indians were living in the Ohio Valley as early as the late 1600s. The Iroquois Indians wer...

Deepest part - the Merlin, the digger has been ramped in to get extra depth
Excavation of B...

Cnut 'Quatrefoil' type penny with the legend "CNUT REX ANGLORU[M]" (Cnut, King of the English), struck in London by a moneyer named Edwin
Canute the ...

early medieval silver penny
Object Type: coin
Early Medieval silver penny of Cnut, Stamford, 1029-35 (North 790).
Findspot: OS Grid ref: SK6617 [limited], 10k M...
by Jesus of Lubeck
At approximately seven minutes after the morning hour of ten, in full view of the coast of Iberia, General Diego de Alvear y Ponce de Leon and his 16 year old son Carlos Alvear, if they did not see, certainly heard the horrific explosion that took the Spanish frigate Mercedes to the bottom and left the two Alvear men aboard the Spanish frigate Medea the only surviving members of their family. October 5th 1804 would be a day that Carlos Alvear would remember every day for the remainder of his life on Earth. The young Alvear adopted his mother’s name and subsequently went by Carlos Maria Alvear. On October 11th, 1824, during a crucial period in the history of the Latin American Revolt against Spanish rule, General Carlos Maria Alvear, as Minister Plenipotentiary for the Republic of Buenos Aires, interviewed James Monroe, President of the United States. Carlos Maria Alvear’s brief record of this interview offers one of the few sources available regarding how a Latin American politician understood the Monroe Doctrine.
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by scribe on Today at 09:37:02 AM

early medieval silver penny
Object Type: coin
Early Medieval silver penny of Cnut, Stamford, 1029-35 (North 790).
Findspot: OS Grid ref: SK6617 [limited], 10k Map: SK61NE, 25k Map: SK4631, Parish: HOBY WITH ROTHERBY, County: LEICESTERSHIRE
Dates: EARLY MEDIEVAL (Certain), 1029 AD - 1035 AD
Ascribed Culture: Anglo-Scandinavian
8 Views | 1 Reply
by Bart on September 13, 2008, 11:57:02 PM
Discoveries made by University of Cincinnati researchers this summer at a hilltop site west of Cincinnati turn a long-accepted historical interpretation of how the site served the Shawnee people upside down.
Date: 9/12/2008, By: Carey Hoffman, Phone: (513) 556-1825 Photos By: Melanie Cannon
The site known as Miami Fort is no fort at all, and it is also much larger than previously believed � so large, in fact, that its berms stretch...
32 Views | 1 Reply
by scribe on September 09, 2008, 01:24:51 PM

England: Bronze Age spear fragment, tip only
Object Type: spear (Probably)
Bronze Age cast copper alloy spear (or possibly sword/rapier) fragment, tip only. Blade edges missing. Lozenge-shaped in section. The central core, visible in the break, appears to be a different metal? Dark green, some original surface surviving. Length 35.57mm, width 13.95mm, thickness 6.3mm, weight 8.73g....
65 Views | 0 Replies
by Bart on September 07, 2008, 06:24:52 PM
5 Sept 08 BERN (AFP) �
Some 5,000 years ago, on a day with weather much like today's, a prehistoric person tread high up in what is now the Swiss Alps, wearing goat leather pants, leather shoes and armed with a bow and arrows.
 A quiver dated from Neolithic and found at the 2,756 metre-high Schnidejoch alpine pass
The unremarkable journey through the Schnidejoch...
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