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Results for archaeology
Subject Started by Replies Views
'Unsung heroes of heritage' extolled for unearthing hoard of treasure Sovereign 1 364
Saving History in Modern Rome Diving Doc 0 157
Burial mound for sale Solomon 0 150
Only one way to scratch up the dirt Diving Doc 1 164
Geophysical survey near Deal Admin 3 311
Causeway 3-4,000 years' old Solomon 2 179
Remains of Jewish settlement revealed in the Shu?afat neighborhood of Jerusalem Solomon 1 106
Skull and crown of the 'Deal Warrior' Admin 2 239
Tomb of King Herod discovered at Herodium by Hebrew University archaeologist Solomon 4 200
Non-Intrustive archaeology Sovereign 0 121
Artefacts discovered during pipeline excavation in Kent Admin 1 141
Chipped Stone Venus Figurines Solomon 0 148
The Burton Hoard Sovereign 0 165
The Milton Keynes hoard Sovereign 1 184
Rare Gold Hoard Bought by Appeal to Go On Show Admin 0 176
Oldest examples of human decorations found Admin 0 141
Burial Mounds Solomon 70 4447
Taken by the Sea: Real-life Shipwrecks Bart 4 307
Alderney Wreck Revealed Bart 1 190
"Beeswax Ship" Researchers Seek Remains Bart 3 305
Texas A&M Researchers Attempt Deepest Effort Recovery in Gulf Bart 0 138
The Finding of the Wreck of the Ark Royal Sovereign 3 409
Surveying and drawing the "mystery" wreck of Alum Bay Solomon 2 215
Seafaring clue to first Americans Admin 10 809
Satellites Spot Lost Egyptian Cities From Space Solomon 0 124
Discovery of ancient tomb in Honduras Sovereign 0 139
'First European tooth' unearthed Solomon 0 94
Archaeology of the Aleutian Islands Sovereign 2 176
Emperor's Chariot Solomon 0 119
Thracia Admin 0 115
Bay of Galle, Sri Lanka Sovereign 2 226
Unique Bronze Age serpentine mound found in western England Solomon 2 211
Valley of Thracian Kings Solomon 7 404
Ancient massacre in New Mexico may have been genocide Solomon 0 171
Giant statue of Hadrian unearthed Admin 1 137
What is archaeology? Admin 0 140
Fight on to save Stone Age Atlantis Admin 2 138
Angkor Wat Admin 3 123
Chew on this Admin 0 113
Girl Scouts offer broader range of programs Admin 0 170
Egypt footprint 'could be oldest' Admin 0 81
Burial clue to early urban strife Admin 0 93
The Portals of El Dorado and Folkloristics Jesus of Lubeck 26 694
Mammoth � La Mode Jesus of Lubeck 5 228
Archaeologist uncovers 11,000-year-old artefacts in Syria Admin 0 6

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