1 Re: The Death of Arthur By Alan Hassell by Bart on November 25, 2006, 09:32:15 AM
Great story, and I love the pics! I had read this before, and it has intrigued me ever since. Is it possible that some of these points could be discussed here and elaborated upon?
I don't believe anyone here wishes to give offense, I know that I ceratinly don't, and I hope none will be taken by questioning things. My personal belief is that there is some historical basis for Arthur/s, and sorting it all out will not be easy, or even possible. Unequivocal scientifically accepted data may never be forthcoming in the Arthur matter, and some conclusions may necessarily need a certa
2 Re: The Death of Arthur By Alan Hassell by on November 25, 2006, 12:05:11 PM
Bart, we have a thread in the forum for this. Questioning is a good approach to history.
"It appears that a comet struck Britain about 562 AD..." - Maybe and maybe also it was a major volcanic eruption. Either way, it does appear that a climatic change caused agrarian Celtic Britain to collapse at this time, leaving the way open for the Anglo Saxons to dominate.
I do not accept the American elements of this story and would need to examine the evidence to comment further.
In my view, the battles of Arthur were won using the tactics and methods of Roman cavalry. As there were no such
3 Re: The Death of Arthur By Alan Hassell by submerged on December 08, 2006, 09:43:55 PM
I have heard a few theories explaining the Arthurian-era devastation of Britain, and I'd like to see links supporting the
comet theory, as opposed to the theory of earthquakes, or a major volcanic event, or the like.
I enjoyed the pics, thanks!
Also: how well-established is the date of the event that so severely impacted Britain?
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The Death of Arthur
By Alan HassellCopyright 22/6/04
All rights reserved.
In Mallory?s Morte d? Arthur a final battle between Arthur and Mordred took place in which Mallory stated that Arthur killed Mordred and Mordred in return killed Arthur.
The truth is no one including Mallory at the time had any idea of how Arthur died.? Arthur had simply disappeared into thin air.? Arthur had vanished without trace and no one knew what had happened to him.
It beggars belief really that Britain?s most famous hero and legend had performed the greatest disappearing act at the time on himself and his legend.
However, a couple of historical Sherlock Holmes who were seeking answers to the King Arthur mystery were not satisfied with Mallory?s findings especially when they realized that King Arthur was alive and well long after the battle of Camlan had been fought and won.
Alan Wilson and Baram Blackett finally realised this while they digested the Llandaff Charters and were slowly putting things into perspective when it occurred to them that the dates simply did not add up.? Something was wrong, they began to realise that Arthur was still doing his rounds in his kingdom long after he was supposed to be pushing up the daises.
It was a subject I was fascinated in mainly because I had always wanted to find and see the grave of the great King Arthur myself.? At one stage, I even went to Glastonbury where Arthur and Gwenivere are claimed to have been buried. ?
I was on my way to Cornwall for a holiday and in no rush to get there so I thought it would be a good diversion to make the effort to see the place anyway.
Tourists are so gullible that even I gladly parted with my hard-earned blood sweat and tears to get a ticket to see this marvellous wonder, the grave of the long dead King Arthur, my hero from childhood.
Photograph ? Alan Hassell
Photograph ? Alan Hassell
Having taken what photographs I wanted as a souvenir and memento of the place I continued my journey, where I would spend a week on the beach trying to find some of the gold that had been lost there over the years with my metal detectors.
I was about to return to Australia so this was going to be the last little look of England for quite some time, never thinking that a twist of fate would bring me back to England?s shores once more.
Back in Australia Alan Wilson wrote to me with some incredible news about a prince Madoc being found in America and his body had been found in a burial mound.
This in itself was incredible news if it could be proved genuine, which it later turned out to be.
It appears that a comet struck Britain about 562 AD during King Arthur?s reign.? It had struck with such force and power that it destroyed the land and nothing would grow.?
It also caused a pestilence much like a plague that killed off all living creatures including humans as well as animals.
Madoc, Arthur?s brother had set sail on an earlier expedition to find land in what they called the other world earlier.
Having found it he returned to Britain to inform Arthur.
Arthur was in Brittany, which was part of the kingdom at the time and returned to Britain to gather as many of his people as he could and set sail towards the west and the new land they had found.
They would of also taken certain farm animals with them such as cows, pigs, sheep and chickens too. They would need provisions in this new world.
With Britain devastated by the destructive forces of the comet, which must have been like a nuclear explosion at the time much of Britain had been destroyed and was now desolate.?
This may have been the period that Maelgwyn Gwynned took control of the Kingdom but even his wealth and position would not save him from the pestilence.?
It is known he died during such a plague and this might have been the cause of his death along with many others that perished with him.
And so 800 years before Columbus discovered America King Arthur had beaten him too it and began to colonise and settle in the new land.
Now this story must have been know about ages ago, in fact centuries, going back to the 12th or 13th century.
How do I know that? Well in the middle of England there is a certain church that was in disrepair and needed a paint job.
It was decided to strip the old whitewash paint off and start afresh.? The old paint was cracked in places anyway.
What the workers found was nothing short of a miracle for under the layers of the old paint a faint but visible picture started to appear.?
As the paint was slowly removed more and more detail of the subject matter came into view.
Slowly the picture of a man with arrows sticking out of him was clearly visible.? Finally the person with the arrows in his body had a crown on his head. It could only be a king.
Photograph ? Alan Hassell
Either side of him were what we now know of as Indians, Red Indians come to that.
The feathers in their headbands are typical of those worn by red Indians.? The diabolical thing is it was painted in the 12th to 13th century.
So how can this picture be explained?
No one knew or had seen Red Indians, yet alone were able to describe them and paint them so accurately as depicted?
Why in fact were they at one stage covered up with whitewash to hide these very interesting pictures that tell the story of the last minutes of King Arthur???
He was known to have gone to the other world and this is where he met his death.
Although the full truth and story about King Arthur?s death may never be know, this is the closest anyone will ever get to the truth.?
Arthur did not die at the hands of Mordred but by those of savage Indians.
It is known that shortly after his death, they mummified his body and collected what gold they had amongst themselves, surrendering wedding rings, torques, bracelets or whatever golden objects they possessed and made a face mask.
Photograph ? Alan Hassell
This might sound strange but when you consider these people were direct descendants of the first Trojans who occupied Britain under the leadership of Brutas, the idea is not so strange at all.
Consider the death mask of Agamemnon found by Schliemann, who found troy, is there not a similarity?
To preserve Arthur?s body as much as possible they wrapped him in several deer hides for the long journey over the ocean back to Britain.
I guess in a way I was lucky that Alan Wilson had taken me to Ogmore Castle just by the Ewenny River.

Directly opposite in the paddocks across the river, Arthur?s armies gathered to fight one of the fiercest battles recorded against the Anglo Saxons.
Photograph ? Alan Hassell
Photograph ? Alan Hassell
It doesn?t take much to stretch the imagination a little and let the mind run free of the knights arriving there setting up their tents. Building fires to cook their meals on and going about their normal everyday chores like checking the horseshoes and their weapons. Just as anyone who had been in the services might do today.
I could imagine them gathering around the fires in knots discussing tactics they might intend to use in battle or even the one thing on most men?s minds beer and women.? Nothing really changes really only the people; they were doing the same as us so many years ago without the luxuries of modern living like television and radio.
Arthur?s army would be very similar to the British army of today. Except his knights were his officers in command of the infantry, the archers and his cavalry.? Each would be given total control over the men assigned to them and they would follow orders to the death.? It does not take a genius to work that out it is just pain common sense.
It is strange that a famous stone was found at Ogmore Castle that tells of him donating land.? Yet, here we have a castle claimed to be Norman by modern historians.? The question is was it here when Arthur was alive and well and using it as a staging post??
However the Ewenny River is of particular interest because it is documented that St.Iltyd collected the body of Arthur after his body had been offloaded into a smaller boat out in the estuary and rowed up the Ewenny River where St.Iltyd was going to give him a secret burial.
So determined were Alan Wilson and Baram Blackett to find the grave of King Arthur that they walked the entire length of the Ewenny River in hope of finding his burial place.?
Finally, after months of frustrated searching they finally found the cave of the Pavilions where it was claimed Arthur was finally laid to rest by his faithful cousin.
When Arthur died his sons were too young to inherit the kingdom, Arthur?s death was kept secret fearing that if the Anglo Saxons had learnt of his death it would cause unrest and more battles.
However the Kingdom was well looked after by loyal caretakers who ensured the safety of the kingdom in his absence.
After clearing away much rubble Alan and Baram finally were able to enter the famous cave.? Whilst exploring it they found a large pit had been cut out of the solid rock large enough to hold the body of a large man.?
However, it was empty.
Despite all their efforts and hard work finding the place and spending time digging their way in, they were to be met with more disappointment.
I myself had gone through many documents regarding Glastonbury Cathedral in Somerset.?
Slowly it emerged that the claim that Arthur was buried there was a hoax perpetrated by greedy monks in order to attract pilgrims and much needed revenue to rebuild the place after a great fire.
Not that it did them any good because Henry VIII who was related to the Welsh Kings as well aware what they were up to and had the place destroyed along with many others during the reformation.?
Rough justice in a way until English Heritage decided to use it as a ploy to attract ignorant tourists to the area and fraudulently take the tourists to the cleaners by making the same claim as the greedy monks did years ago.
English Heritage even today is guilty of obtaining money by false pretences by claiming the Body of King Arthur and Gwenivere are buried there.?
Despite a great deal of documented evidence and extensive digs that have taken place at Glastonbury, there is not one single shred of evidence that the great king even visited the place yet alone be buried there.
The directors of English Heritage should be charged with obtaining monies by fraud and deception.?
It is something that will never happen not in Britain.? English Heritage is a Government run institution that employs people to make money that fills its coffers.
Find the Real King Arthur?s grave prove that he really did exist and all of this comes out into the open exposing the British Government as a load of fraudulent cheats and depriving them of the money that they are earning now.
Alan Wilson and Baram Blackett spent most of their lives working on the King Arthur legend. I have spent maybe 20 or more.?
All they wanted to do was build a good tourist industry for Wales the real Kingdom of King Arthur.?
I have always wondered why they were met with huge obstacles and barriers on each discovery.? If ever there was a motive for suppressing their work I think I have hit the nail on the head.
It does not take much stretch of the imagination to put the hidden forces of the Government to work and to put barriers up where none existed before.?
As long as English Heritage continues to bring in the bacon or revenue, this is one asset the Government does not want to lose and will use any means at its disposal to hold onto it.
If you happen to stumble onto this page, and you are thinking of visiting Britain.? Make sure you read Artorious Rex Discovered and the Holy Kingdom before you leave the comfort of your own home and waste your dollars visiting places that have nothing to do with the real Arthurian legend.
King Arthur?s Kingdom is in Wales where it has always been and where it will remain for eternity. No one can change that not even the British Government.???
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