Mission Statement
We think it important at the beginning to clarify our goals and expectations for those of you who are kind enough to visit and enter into these discussions of History. It is envisioned that this will become a place where serious investigation of the past may be examined en camera, and all may share and receive intelligence from one another. In the course of events opinions may differ and it is expected that members will confine themselves to polite language in their debates. We would prefer not to call points of order so please use courtly English, where even the deadliest insults were delivered in prose that was fit to publish.
Sharing of information is the focus. Everyone is entitled to fair treatment in this acquisition of knowledge and we pledge to work with everyone who would further their own investigations and ours. As can be seen, this is not completely altruistic but it does serve the greater good of all members.
The identities of the Directors and Associates, while known to some, are not a matter of importance. Furthering the scope of archival research and the new methods of examining the past are what this forum is all about, not personal aggrandizement.
We thank you all for your presence and wish you
?Happy Hunting in the Fields of History?
Solomon & Doc
This website is owned and managed by a partnership of professionals, experienced in a number of fields, covering archival and other forms of research; surveying, including geophysics; archaeological excavation, including marine; and the identification, conservation and valuation of artefacts.
History Hunters is a crew of three partners and you can read our introductions in the forum.
We have the principle concern for discovering and revealing history.
The purpose of our website is to share our knowledge and experiences with you and all others who share our interests. We can do this in a number of ways:
You will find a number of boards there, within categories. These will be expanded as the number of our members and the topics they want to discuss, increases. All you need do to join in the discussions there is to register with us - it' free.
You can discuss matters with in in complete confidence via email. In the first instance, please use:
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You may notice that in the left-hand menu is a list of articles on a range of subjects. You are welcome to submit something by yourself.
To read more about us, you could start with the History Hunters section of the forum: click here.
Wreckage of early 19th-century, 32-gun warship. Location: Caribbean.
Original photograph by member Ninetyninestar. Photo-editing enhancement by History Hunters. |