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Author Topic: 26 Poems For Valentines Day To Send To Someone You Love  (Read 841 times)
Description: Pomes of love
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Tom Zart
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« on: February 12, 2007, 10:08:08 PM »

Pomes For Valentines Day


Over any man who feels lost without love
God gives women divine powers.
They can break our hearts or deflate our ego
And cause us to buy diamonds and flowers.

They have compelled kings and presidents to beg
Wild singles to commit to change their way.
Loving us with pleasures problematic to replace
With flashbacks of their passion night and day.

Women mother our babies who we love till death
For us to raise, protect and provide for.
They contribute revenue, affection and direction
With love, companionship and more.

They insist we never abuse or disgrace them
Cheat, lie or take their love for granted.
Which helps us to become more than we are
In love and totally enchanted.


The one thing I?ve learned about happiness
It will never last pretending you?re not you.
Somehow, someway the truth will arise
And all that you hide will show through.

Sooner or later, one way or another
Something in your life seems wrong.
You go to bed unhappy and awake the same
Repeating life?s mistakes too long.

One day, to yourself, you begin to question
?Is this who I am and wish to be??
How will I choose to live the rest of my life
Till the angel of death comes for me?

Most people wish to be at peace with God,
Oneself, and those we love.
Frequently taking a look at our past
Praying for guidance from above.

Thank heaven for the whispers from the heart
Which remind us that evil has it?s voice too.
It?s always a battle amid right and wrong
As we ponder and perform what we do.


Life's a book written through,
Where the pages are the years.
There's good, evil, false, and true,
With laughter, sweat, and tears.

Our days are songs composed by God,
As we set them to music with pleasure.
His cup of life is for us to drink,
Though, He, decides the measure.

Hurried and worried, dawn till dusk,
There's no time for a curtain call.
We burn our candles from both ends,
And we're lucky to be alive at all.

Cards are shuffled and hands are dealt,
For all to place their bets.
Youthful blunders, adulthood struggles,
And old age, with its regrets.

It matters not, how long we live,
But more, how well we play our part.
For the road to heaven is always near,
As long as there's truth in our heart.


A mind may see a thousand eyes
Though the heart yearns for two;
When the eyes we love have up and gone,
To the arms of someone new.

Eyes that twinkle, I distrust,
For they are the distant stars.
Eyes in love have a steady glow
Like Venus, the Moon or Mars.

Eyes of love, like planets at night,
Use borrowed light to shine.
Eyes are the living lenses
To the camera of our mind.

Eyes tend to believe themselves
Like the blind love of mothers.
Eyes speak without words
To the hearts and souls of others.


No rope or cable can hold so tight
What love can do with twine.
No kiss can taste so bittersweet,
As the one which captures our mind.

The first sign of love is the last of wisdom
As eager hearts fulfill desire.
Love is just a staple of life,
Though heaven sparks the fire.

Heaven knows no rage like love,
Once to hatred it has turned.
How wise are we who are such fools,
Who forget the lessons we've learned.

Love, indeed, descends from heaven,
Like a shooting star across the sky.
Love sometimes stirs the dust,
Till tears fall free from the eye.

God must love people in love
Or he wouldn't make so many.
Those who claim it's a mental disease
Have never been loved by any.

Love is stronger than life itself,
And jealousy more cruel than the grave.
Men and women have loved one another,
Since they spent their nights in a cave.

When the hands of love,
Touch the strings of souls,
There?ll be babies on the way.
That's the basic rules of life;
No matter what games we play

Like the flowers in the fields,
We shed our shields,
To be warmed by the sun.
We live our lives the best we can
Till death catches us on the run.


You 're the full moon of my nights
And the sunshine of my day.
Like a queen upon her throne,
You rule what I do and say.

It's God who makes us beautiful
And the Devil who makes us mean.
It all depends on whom we follow
Which way our lives shall lean.

With one foot in the future
And one foot in the past,
Let us try to live our days
As though each was our last.

You're the wild rose of my life,
My flower of desire.
Made by God for me alone
Out of earth, stars and fire.


You're the bone of my bones
Who I love for my wife.
The flesh of my flesh
And my partner in life.

For me to have and to hold
For better or for worse.
To love and to cherish
Though we might fight and curse.

Be I richer or poorer,
'Till death makes us part,
I will give you great portions
Of my soul and my heart.

Heaven won't be heaven
If I don 't see you there,
May the first to go
Be me, is my prayer.


The first stage of a family group
Begins with husband and wife.
Shelters are rented, bought or built
As they yearn for more from life.

Families are found throughout the world
In bone clusters buried in caves,
Where ancient people lived and loved
'Till death placed them in their graves.

Humans still have that need to group
As a family to survive,
They love and care for each other
In the world in which they strive.

Families are a nation's crown jewels,
Far more than a golden coin.
Members find love and sympathy
From the groups they've chosen to join.


Tears are the raindrops of the soul
And there's one for all who die.
They are the silent words of grief
As they fall free from the eye.

The shortest verse in the Bible
Is the one where Jesus wept;
So, if you hold back tears, "shed them"
When your pains too harsh to accept.

Tears are lovelier than a smile
When they come from those you love.
As they seek relief from sadness,
When you're summoned from above.

Tears are a love-mates humble gift
When it's time to say goodbye,
Though the eyes are wet and swollen,
With time and patience they dry.


Love and electricity are a lot alike
For we never seem to miss them till their gone.
We need both, every day of our life,
And even more so between twilight and dawn.

Love resembles a self-consuming amber,
A static current of both pain and pleasure.
It can warm our bed and lighten the darkness
And for most who don 't have it, it's a treasure.

We can turn it on or we can turned it off
Depending on whatever we're forced to do.
It may shock us, please us, thrill us, or hurt us,
Though once without it, we can't wait to renew.


A kindly woman can make a sad man sing,
With her love and affection winter seems like spring.
Of all the pleasures in life given to a man,
There's nothing beats the touch of a woman's soft hand.

God saw Adam alone on Eden's floor,
Then decided to give him Eve?s love and much more.
So take what you need from she chosen for you,
Then rid thyself of others and to her be true.

The Lord planted love within mankind's heart,
Though things can grow sour when from? Him? we depart.
Love and hate are but two sides of life's golden coin,
So be ready for both no matter whom you join.


Forgive me, forgive me
And I?ll kiss your tears away.
You're the first thing and the last,
I think of every day

Let bygones be bygones,
And be willing to forgive.
And I will love you only
Every moment I live.

I love you and I need you,
It's a fact and not a lie,
So if you plan to punish me,
Say anything, but good bye.


The truest words, which portray my love,
I speak to you from within my heart.
May we always recall how we feel,
Though through conflict we're forced to part.

No one can say how long they will last,
For life is not everlasting.
Yet most hope to be blessed by love,
By he who does our casting.

As the fear of battle bites my flesh,
My thoughts of home help keep me sane.
There?s no guarantee that I?ll survive
But either way, I'll serve without shame.

Should the cold hands of death reach for me,
I pray my soul will awake from sleep.
To the voice of God assuring me,
That my spirit, he's chosen to keep.

So try to remember while I'm gone,
That the person I need most is you.
I?ll fight like hell to stay alive
To return home to the love I knew.


Where would we be without sex
Like coffee minus the sugar and cream.
As Adam was before he knew Eve,
With no purpose to dream and scheme.

No reason for fathers and mothers,
No reason to buy flowers and candy.
No reason for diamonds and jewels;
Viagra, wine, liquor or brandy.

No reason to purchase a sports car,
A fine house, muscle shirts or a new dress.
Basically, a cake without icing,
So thank God and pray for more not less.


Whenever I'm lonely, sad and blue,
There?s nothing better than a night with you
You're the best I've known, present and before,
I don't dare tell or they?ll pound on your door.

It?s neither a secret nor a surprise,
That others are waiting for my demise.
God blessed you when he made you so pretty,
That's why so many continue being flirty.

God blessed me when he gave me your heart,
For I?m not wealthy, famous or smart.
But I'm strong, healthy, and hard working too,
And what ever it takes, you know I'll do.


There aren't many heroes for me in this world;
Yet, day and night you're my hero and more.
I know our marriage is important to you,
Though you may speak loudly and slam the door.

Like a flower from heaven we're blessed by love,
And what hardships await us, we?ll weather.
Dealing with difficulties that we may face,
You choose to work them out together.

You're endlessly curious about how I feel,
And you listen to everything I say.
You're my hero, my life mate, and my lover,
Who honors me with concern everyday.


Emeralds, rubies, sapphires, and diamonds,
Are the keys to a woman's heart.
He who shops for the stones of love,
Has hunger for both beauty and art.

She?ll display her jewelry proudly,
Around her neck or on her hand.
Showing to all that she is loved,
With no need for another man.

So spend your money or use your card,
And head for the nearest mall.
Purchase something you know she?ll love,
And for you and your faults, she?ll fall.

They say that money can't buy love,
Though, it sure can help things along.
And the stones of love help set the mood,
For a woman's forgiveness when you're wrong


You're great to gaze upon,
And ever better to touch.
Though sometimes your moods
Are a bit too much.

Your body is warm,
And your skin is fair.
All that I acquire,
With you, I'll share.

When you come home,
Tired from working hard.
I help with the house,
And manicure the yard.

You always respond
No matter how you feel,
To a great back rub,
Wine, and a good meal.

I've said thank you a thousand times
To heaven and God above.
That some how, some way,
I have someone to love.


Where would I be without you?
And where would you be without me?
Trapped in the arms of a second choice,
Forever envious of all, as we.

My need for you makes life special,
Because I live it for you.
Everything seems more possible,
And easier to get through.

Each hour is a new adventure,
Where, what awaits, no one knows.
Through friendship, tears and laughter,
We ensure our romance grows.

Even ordinary moments
Aren't the same any more.
Together we have so much
To plan, accomplish and explore.


I love to be loved in the morning
I love to be loved at night.
I love to be loved anytime
For love in the darkness is light.

I pray every day to say thank you
For all I have others do not.
I pray every day cause I?m guilty
For I don?t deserve what I?ve got.

Your love is the best of the rest
For your mission in life is me.
Once I was selfish and cruel
But fearing your loss made me see.

God gave Eve to Adam
To smile and suffer no more.
God gave you to me
I will love you forever more.


I think of you as I smell a rose
I think of you when I see your clothes.
I think of you if I weren?t here
Who would love you and call you dear.

I think of you when I?m asleep
I think of you and will me you keep?
I think of you when I kneel to pray
Recalling all which you might say.

I think of you and what you mean to me
I think of you and all you can be.
I think of you when you?re not home
I feel your presence whenever I?m alone.


Another loveless weekend
And It?s my fault I?m alone.
I toss and turn in the dark
Feeling pain I?ve never known.

Just outside my window
There?s a full moon in the sky.
Every leaf is dancing
As the winds of night pass by.

There?s sorrow in my heart
And a tear in my eye.
First one, then another
Till my pillow is no longer dry.

I took your love for granted
Putting your needs on the shelf.
Feasting on all you gave
Only thinking of myself.

Then God sent you another
To reward the person you are.
Someone who would love you
At home and afar.

Seeking your approval
By how they use their mind.
Always speaking words of truth
Preferring to be kind.

To your memory I confess
For I no longer have your ear.
I pray for God?s forgiveness
And for love beyond my tear.


If I told you ?I love you?
No less than once a day
For all the wonderful years
We have shared at work and play.

If I thanked you each and every moment
As your smile touched my heart and soul
Always showing that you need me
I still could not complete my goal.

If I gave you affection in a thousand ways
I would fail to fully convey
How much you are my world of joy,
My friend, and my lover, who doesn?t stray.

Our memories of the years past
Give us happiness night and day
Our dreams of tomorrow?s burdens
Are why we choose to pray.

Someday in heaven we will reside
While earth will forget who we are
Side by side as we change to dust
We will live and love behind a star.

So let me say it one more time
I love you more than life itself
Your presence is my joy of joys
For without you I loose myself.


Children identify with our fears
Where adults share our dreams.
Life is a mystical journey
With laughter, sadness and schemes.

A never-ending quest of struggle
Where everyone has their role.
Sometimes wrong, sometimes right,
Facing problems, which take their toll.

Even the beautiful someday shall fade
As year after year they grow old.
With aches, pains, wrinkles and grief
The answers of a lifetime unfold.

How long will we be remembered
For better or for worse?
For being tender and understanding
Or just another person?s curse.

Truthful and honest with family or friends
Staying clear of any who lie or sneak?
Guarding against actions selfish, and cruel
Free to be generous and unique?

After death who will miss us
When to heaven we have gone?
Will family cry our name in tears
As in their hearts we live on?


I can?t believe how we did
What we did last night
Kissing, squeezing
And holding on tight.

Far from our problems
We had a great time
Sharing in ways
That to us felt fine.

No tossing and turning from inward burning
Only moments of passion?s desire
So what if the moments can?t last forever
While they pass, they fuel our fire.


Where there is smoke there?s fire
Of that you can be sure.
I can?t believe I trusted you
And believed in who you were.

You told me it was me you loved
With no need for someone new.
All you wanted was my heart and soul
And my promise to be true.

For whatever reason you blew it
And from me you must stay away.
You called me by another?s name
When it was our time to play.

It breaks my heart to catch you;
Here?s your cloths in a sack
You choose to cheat and lie to me
So get out and never come back.


Every marriage has its bumps in the road
And they can pop up at any time.
We must learn to navigate them safely
With fairness, faith and open mind.

No matter how far in your marriage you?ve gone
The highway of love has its rules.
The excitement of sex, trust and affection
Never tolerates self-serving fools.

They say marriages are made in heaven,
But so are tornadoes, lighting and thunder.
Cold hearts and hot heads never solve anything
They just destroy what we love by blunder.

Boredom, frustration, irritations and anger
Douse the spark between you and your mate.
More of the same fails to feed love?s flame
Till you wake up to find it?s too late

Human touch sustains the release of endorphins
For both the giver and receiver.
Never be afraid to hug your partner.
For the language of touch is a reliever.

Always remember to support your spouse
When times of dilemma arise.
The fortress of love will sustain your marriage
If you speak less and listen more, you're wise.

By Tom Zart
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2007, 01:55:17 AM »

What a great selection for the day. Many thanks, Tom!
My wife is going to just love this.

Tom Zart
Bronze Member

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« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2007, 09:16:37 PM »

Dear Solomon,

Thank you for finding me for this wonderful site.

Tom Zart
Soldier For The Lord
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