5600-year-old Tinder Device Unearthed
16:37, August 02, 2007
Archaeological staff recently unearthed a tinder device made in 5600 years ago in Luoyang, which was used as fire storage devices. This is the first discovery of tinder device made in the Neolithic Age. Experts said it helps us understand how people store tinder in the
Neolithic Age 5,000-6,000 years ago.
After studying the device, archeologists preliminarily figured out how to use the device: place live charcoal inside the device, cover it by black charcoal, then appropriately shut down the entrance cover and put it in a place with good air circulation. In this way, the charcoal will burn slowly in the device. To use the fire, open the entrance cover and burn up the fire by using blow fire tube or similar tools, then the fire will burn up. To shut it down, shake the devices to remove the open-fire, and then cover it with black charcoal. By using this kind of device, people can store tinder for a long time.