Maybe you've seen this on television: a waterhole somewhere in Africa, with all the beasts drinking in peace together. Its only the reptiles who spoil things. So welcome to this board - and don't be a reptile
It is impossible for an archaeologist to excavate anything without losing a lot of data and destroying much. That's the nature of the beast.
A metal detectorist who doesn't dig deep - beneath the ploughshare - is hardly likely to be doing any harm. This is considerably less damaging than the work of archaeologists. The detectorist can also provide great leads, as well as artefacts, to the archaeologist and our heritage.
I won't try and stop anyone trying to strike a superior attitude - that's your right - but don't mind if I chuckle in the background.
The kit is getting better and better. There seems to be limitless opportunities to practice. In the UK at least, both the law and the prevailing authorities have adjusted to provide a legal framework and recommended procedures.
There is a lot to discuss. I hope that you join in.