A voluntary Code of Practice (UK):
1. Do not trespass. Before you start detecting obtain permission to search from the landowner/occupier, regardless of the status, or perceived status, of the land. Remember that all land has an owner. To avoid subsequent disputes you should consider obtaining written permission, and agreement in writing regarding the ownership of any finds you make.
2. Observe the laws concerning protected sites (e.g. those defined as Scheduled Monuments or Sites of Special Scientific Interest: you can obtain details of these from the landowner/occupier, Historic Environment Record or at
www.magic.gov.uk). Take extra care when detecting near protected sites: for example, it is not always clear where the boundaries lie on the ground.
3. Consider joining one of the popular metal-detecting forums which can easily be found by doing an Internet search. This is one of the best ways to learn about all aspects of the hobby, and to take advantage of the collective knowledge of many thousands of members. (A great deal of expertise exists within the hobby, from researching sites to identifying finds, and from legal requirements to conservation.)
You might also wish to consider joining one or more of the many metal-detecting clubs around the country. (See http://www.ukdetectornet.co.uk/uk_clubs.htm for a list of clubs.)
4. Handle, clean, protect and store your finds in an appropriate manner. Conservation requirements vary according to the nature of the item, but specialist advice should always be sought if there is any uncertainty.
5. When detecting, always backfill your holes after excavating a find. They are a potential hazard to other users of the countryside.
6. If you excavate finds from undisturbed land (e.g. undisturbed pasture, or below the ploughsoil), use tools that will minimise the ground disturbance and any potential damage to stratified archaeological deposits. Reinstate excavated material as neatly as possible.
7. Make a note of your findspots so that they can be recorded with details of your finds. For finds that you believe could be of archaeological importance*, record the findspots as accurately as possible (i.e. to at least a one-hundred metre square, using an Ordnance Survey map or hand-held Global Positioning Device).
* A find of ?archaeological importance? is one that might indicate the presence of an archaeological site as opposed to a casual loss or discarded item. Archaeological sites include burial grounds, habitation sites, and battlegrounds. The presence of significant numbers of related items may indicate an archaeological site.
8. Respect the Country Code (leave gates and property as you find them and do not damage crops, frighten animals, or disturb ground nesting birds, and dispose properly of litter: see www.countrysideaccess.gov.uk).
9. Offer to keep the relevant landowner/occupier informed of any finds you make, and ensure that you have his/her agreement if you intend to publish details of the findspot.
10. Consider recording your finds so that the information they provide is accessible to researchers and the public at large. Recording is voluntary (other than ?Treasure? items, see 11 below), but is strongly recommended, as it is both rewarding for the finder and beneficial to our understanding of the past. You may choose to use the self-recording scheme operated by the UK Detecting Finds Database (UKDFD) (
www.ukdfd.co.uk), the Portable Antiquities Scheme (PAS) (www.findsdatabase.org.uk), your local HER or, for specific types of coin find, the Celtic Coin Index (CCI) (
www.writer2001.com) or the Early Medieval Corpus (EMC) (
www.fitzmuseum.cam.ac.uk/coins/emc )
11. Ensure that you understand and comply with the requirements of the Treasure Act (
www.finds.org.uk), wreck law (
www.mcga.gov.uk) and export licensing (www.mla.gov.uk).
12. Seek expert help if you discover something large below the ploughsoil, or a concentration of finds or unusual material, or wreck remains, and ensure that the landowner/occupier?s permission is obtained to do so. Reporting the find does not change your rights of discovery, but will result in far more archaeological evidence being discovered.
13. Call the Police and notify the landowner/occupier if you find any traces of human remains.
14. Call the Police or HM Coastguard, and notify the landowner/occupier, if you find anything that may be a live explosive: do not use a metal-detector or mobile phone nearby as this might trigger an explosion. Do not attempt to move or interfere with any such explosives.