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Can you solve the mystery of an animal burial in Florida?

Photos courtesy of the City of St. Augustine, Florida

In the summer of 2007, Carl D. Halbirt, St. Augustine City Archaeologist, was conducting an excavation in response to the construction of a ...
Alexis Okeowo in M�xico City
for National Geographic News

August 22, 2008
A labyrinth filled with stone temples and pyramids in 14 caves�some underwater�have been uncovered on Mexico's Yucat�n Peninsula, archaeologists announced last week.

The discover...
WorldNews.com,Wed 20 Aug 2008 World News Science Correspondent Vlad Jecan

  � 2006 Mihai Cioc�rlie

Archaeologists digging near the town...
Ancient Inuit Cleared in Viking Mystery Tale

Randy Boswell, Canwest News Service Published: 2:30 am

Inuit archers, about 1915. (G. H. Wilkins, CMC 51165)...
From the Art World to the Underworld

The FBI's Robert Wittman has spent his career chasing missing masterpieces. Now thieves are growing bolder -- and more violent.

By KELLY CROW August 22, 2008; Page W1

Shortly after 9 a.m. on June 4, th...
Zoom the World

by Jesus of Lubeck
At approximately seven minutes after the morning hour of ten, in full view of the coast of Iberia, General Diego de Alvear y Ponce de Leon and his 16 year old son Carlos Alvear, if they did not see, certainly heard the horrific explosion that took the Spanish frigate Mercedes to the bottom and left the two Alvear men aboard the Spanish frigate Medea the only surviving members of their family. October 5th 1804 would be a day that Carlos Alvear would remember every day for the remainder of his life on Earth. The young Alvear adopted his mother’s name and subsequently went by Carlos Maria Alvear. On October 11th, 1824, during a crucial period in the history of the Latin American Revolt against Spanish rule, General Carlos Maria Alvear, as Minister Plenipotentiary for the Republic of Buenos Aires, interviewed James Monroe, President of the United States. Carlos Maria Alvear’s brief record of this interview offers one of the few sources available regarding how a Latin American politician understood the Monroe Doctrine.
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by Bart on August 11, 2008, 10:51:46 PM

By Daily Mail Reporter Last updated at 11:16 PM on 06th August 2008

A pure gold cross dating from the 7th century has been discovered by a man with a metal detector.
The inch-long piece of Anglo Saxon jewellery is made out of 18-carat gold and was probably worn as a pendant.

Experts believe the English-made piece could be worth at least �25,000.
It is thought the cross, which is decorated with fine detail and adorned with red gemstones, might have...
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by scribe on August 09, 2008, 04:03:56 PM

SURREY, England: Early Bronze Age: Flint knife or dagger

Object Type:    Knife
A large fragment of a long and slender double-sided flint knife or dagger made from opaque light grey flint. The point is missing and the blade expands then narrows slightly into a tongue-shaped butt which is markedly thicker in side view (the thickness of the blade is 6.7mm at the break and 11.3mm at the...
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by Bart on August 07, 2008, 11:45:04 PM
Bulgarian archaeologists discover ancient chariot


Archaeologist works around a 1,900-year-old well-preserved chariot at an ancient Thracian tomb near the village of Borisovo, some 290 kilometers (180 miles) east of the Bulgarian capital Sofia, Thursday, Aug. 7, 2008. The archaeologist Daniela Agre said her team found the...
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by Bart on August 07, 2008, 11:35:28 PM
Getty Museum Exhibition Reveals Rituals and Revelries of Exclusive British Men's Club

Thomas Patch, English, 1725-1782. The Golden Asses, 1761. Oil on canvas. Unframed: H: 142.2 x W: 339.7 cm (56 x 133 3/4 in.) Framed: H: 172.7 x W: 370.2 cm (68 x 145 3/4 in.) The Lewis Walpole Library, Yale University VEX.2008.2.43

LOS ANGELES.- In 1734, a group of young British...
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