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1793 elevation of the White House by James Hoban, architect

The United States is both the most powerful nation in history and probably the most democratic nation on Eart...
A Husband takes his wife to play her first game of golf.....Unfortunately, the wife promptly whacked her first shot right through the window of the biggest house adjacent to the course.

The husband cringed, "I warned you to be careful! Now we'll have t...

Green cloud in images

Museums used to be static, as were their displays and visitors had to travel by ...

Sampling of teeth for aDNA analysis. The last layer of soil was removed and two teeth extracted while wearing full body suit, hairnet, gloves, shoe covers, and face masks. The ...

Paola Negri/Sergio Petronilli/ENEA
Oldest Writing
The cuneiform tablets housed in Iraq document how people lived for millennia in ancient Mesopotamia. They describe co...
Zoom the World

by Jesus of Lubeck
At approximately seven minutes after the morning hour of ten, in full view of the coast of Iberia, General Diego de Alvear y Ponce de Leon and his 16 year old son Carlos Alvear, if they did not see, certainly heard the horrific explosion that took the Spanish frigate Mercedes to the bottom and left the two Alvear men aboard the Spanish frigate Medea the only surviving members of their family. October 5th 1804 would be a day that Carlos Alvear would remember every day for the remainder of his life on Earth. The young Alvear adopted his mother’s name and subsequently went by Carlos Maria Alvear. On October 11th, 1824, during a crucial period in the history of the Latin American Revolt against Spanish rule, General Carlos Maria Alvear, as Minister Plenipotentiary for the Republic of Buenos Aires, interviewed James Monroe, President of the United States. Carlos Maria Alvear’s brief record of this interview offers one of the few sources available regarding how a Latin American politician understood the Monroe Doctrine.
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by scribe on June 04, 2008, 10:27:35 AM

Rewriting Greenland's immigration history
Contact: Eske Willerslev

University of Copenhagen

Thirty-six-year-old Professor Eske Willerslev, University of Copenhagen, and his team of fossil DNA researchers have done it a couple of times before: rewritten world history. Most...
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by Bart on June 01, 2008, 08:04:10 PM
Six Famous Treasures Found with Only Metal Detectors

Apr 6, 2008

Some of the world's most famous treasures were actually discovered by ordinary people, many of them using the most basic and low tech metal detectors available. Who loves treasure? Most of us do - and what's better than finding hidden or lost treasure with low tech tools and cheap metal detectors? I spent a few hours combing through lots of stories and found some great ones that I...
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by scribe on June 01, 2008, 01:26:32 PM

England: Copper alloy unidentified object, similar to a Roman nail cleaner

The object has a globular head with a small peak at the top. There is a narrowed collar below. The head measures 6.27mm in diameter. The main body is leaf shaped and bears an incised decoration on either side. One side is decorated with three large leaves each containing three small tulip or trumpet shaped motifs....
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by Bart on May 30, 2008, 02:37:41 AM
Experts say the cup may be an ancient lost treasure from the Achaemenid empire

Childhood 'toy' Revealed as Ancient Persian Relic
28 May 2008

An ancient gold cup mysteriously acquired by an English scrap metal dealer is expected to fetch close to a million dollars at auction after languishing for years in a shoe box under its current...
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